The Lonely Realist is a bridge across the partisan gap, raising questions and making pointed observations about politics, economics, international relations and the markets. Its goal is to raise awareness and inspire thought on controversial issues that impact America and Americans, highlighting issues that should be, but rarely are, the focus of bipartisan discussion.

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In seeking to promote dialogue, The Lonely Realist is not an advocate of conclusions or remedies. To the extent perceived biases leak into these pages, as they sometimes do, please ignore them. They are inadvertent missteps. 

  • “Expect the unexpected.” – The Lonely RealistLoading the Elevenlabs Text to Speech AudioNative Player... Although there is no necessary significance to the first 100 days of a President’s term, the first 100 days of the Donald Trump Administration has the potential to be world-changing. Upon...

  • The Lonely Realist is pleased to present the following guest commentary. The views expressed below are those of the author and not those of TLR and the following commentary has not been edited or approved by TLR:Loading the Elevenlabs Text to Speech AudioNative Player... “It...

  • “Those who ran America for the past four years were the group of ‘counselors’ Joe Biden appointed in 2020, each of whom remained in a position-of-power throughout the Biden Presidency.” – The Lonely RealistLoading the Elevenlabs Text to Speech AudioNative Player... A recent Peggy Noonan...

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The Case for Deflation?

“Prices are rising. The supply chain is broken. The economy is slowing. What’s next?” – The Lonely RealistLoading the Elevenlabs Text to Speech AudioNative Player… So much economic noise! So much chatter with little coherence or consistency. There are financial tweets from social media personalities

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Panic Attack*

Panic AttackLoading the Elevenlabs Text to Speech AudioNative Player… The February 18th TLR (“The China Virus”) addressed the potential healthcare-medical and healthscare-economic consequences of the Coronavirus. It pointed out that governments and healthcare providers will continue to take appropriate steps designed to avoid a healthcare

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What is a Conservative? And what is a Liberal?*

What is a Conservative? And what is a Liberal?Loading the Elevenlabs Text to Speech AudioNative Player… Labeling oneself a Conservative in 2019 is not the same as actually being a Conservative, certainly not in a 1980’s philosophical sense, a period which many remember recognize as

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William (Bill) Natbony is The Lonely Realist, its author and originator. The opinions expressed in TLR are solely Bill’s opinions, have not been edited or reviewed, and do not reflect the views or opinions or any other person.