“Are there limits to Executive Power?” – The Lonely Realist Three consecutive Presidents have excessively extended Executive Power and, as TLR has explained, the excessiveness has been Congress’s fault. Congress has been a passive observer to Constitutional erosion. The foundation of American democracy is the balancing...

"The only difference between death and taxes is that death doesn't get worse every time Congress meets.” – Will Rogers “This time can be different.” – The Lonely Realist President-elect Trump has a unique opportunity to magnify his historic election victory by reforming dramatically improving America’s tax system...

“Do difficult cases make bad law or do difficult laws make for bad cases?” – The Lonely Realist What’s your definition of free speech? Do you subscribe to John Milton’s 1644 version advocating no limits. His only caveat was that both the author and publisher be named...

“Be careful what you wish for.” – The Lonely Realist The American right has been celebrating a series of recent Supreme Court rulings that narrow Federal power and facilitate the dismantling of the "administrative state." The consequences of these holdings are broad, far-reaching, and in the...