“Although the Biden Administration’s Build Back Better tax proposals would reduce income inequality, they would do so at a cost that includes increased complexity … yet again. They could be targeted far more efficiently. America deserves a tax system that indeed Builds Back Better.” –...

“The Supreme Court once focused on nation-building by prioritizing Federalism over States Rights. Its efforts were highlighted in Roe v. Wade. No longer. States Rights now rule.” -The Lonely Realist The Supreme Court's 1973 decision in Roe v. Wade divided Americans for half a century. It tribalized politics,...

“Governments in America derive their power from the people they represent. Powers not explicitly delegated are retained.” – The Lonely Realist Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and the governors of Texas, Arizona, Iowa, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Utah have banned mask mandates in schools. Governments – local, State,...

"The time has come! The time is now! JUST GO, GO, GO! TERM LIMITS ARE HOW!" –The Lonely Seuss Ted Cruz is the lead sponsor of a proposed Constitutional amendment that would impose term limits on members of Congress. U.S. Senators would be limited to two six-year terms...