“Are there limits to Executive Power?” – The Lonely Realist Three consecutive Presidents have excessively extended Executive Power and, as TLR has explained, the excessiveness has been Congress’s fault. Congress has been a passive observer to Constitutional erosion. The foundation of American democracy is the balancing...

“Expect the unexpected.” – The Lonely Realist Although there is no necessary significance to the first 100 days of a President’s term, the first 100 days of the Donald Trump Administration has the potential to be world-changing. Upon assuming office, President Trump promises to deport illegal aliens,...

“Those who ran America for the past four years were the group of ‘counselors’ Joe Biden appointed in 2020, each of whom remained in a position-of-power throughout the Biden Presidency.” – The Lonely Realist A recent Peggy Noonan article in the Wall Street Journal, “The President...