"America is a nation divided by economic, cultural, racial and social fissures. Americans agree that this divisiveness is self-destructive. There's more they can agree on.” – The Lonely Realist America is having an identity crisis. That shouldn’t be surprising. Empires like America rise and fall in...

“Self-interest has made Joe Biden and Jay Powell best buds. Joe has agreed to reappoint Jay. Jay, in turn, has reassured Joe that America can (and will!) achieve low inflation and ever-higher equity prices by November 2022.” – The Lonely Realist Have you imagined the conversation...

“Americans are restless and confused, searching for direction, empty and aching without quite understanding why.” – The Lonely Realist Simon & Garfunkel released the song “America” in 1968, the year in which Martin Luther King, Jr. and Robert F. Kennedy were assassinated, the year in which...

“The Supreme Court once focused on nation-building by prioritizing Federalism over States Rights. Its efforts were highlighted in Roe v. Wade. No longer. States Rights now rule.” -The Lonely Realist The Supreme Court's 1973 decision in Roe v. Wade divided Americans for half a century. It tribalized politics,...