Capitalism vs. Socialism, the False Dichotomy America is the capital of Capitalism. It’s where laissez-faire isn’t merely a French phrase – it’s a Capitalist reality, the economic brand that has made America great. Founded on a deep-seated belief in independence – what frontier Americans practiced in...

What is a “Fact” The dictionary defines a “fact” as “a thing that is known or proven to be true,” “something that has actual existence” … or, simply, “a truth.” Straightforward, no? A seemingly simple exercise in separating reality from opinion and fantasy. ...

The Covid-19 Bridge Connecting A Bifurcated America A year ago, in “The Hollowing Out of America,” TLR contrasted two different Americas: The economically-vibrant urban-exurban America found on its three coasts … and the sclerotically depopulating rural-America located in between, in the Great Middle. It...

National Health Insurance in America Today’s TLR is not about Obamacare … so relax. It’s also not an analysis of the various national health insurance proposals or about the problems facing America’s health care system or the costliness of medical coverage. There are multiple sources for...

The Federalism Wars: The Covid-19 Battle America’s Constitution divides sovereignty between the Federal government and State governments. It creates a power-sharing system – a federation with both centralized and fractionalized powers. Like any joint undertaking, success requires a fine balance, a give-and-take. It isn’t quite “All...