Assume that the media is correct and Joe Biden has won America’s Presidential election and will be inaugurated as America’s 46th President on January 20th.  If so, he would owe his relatively narrow victory to heavy voter turnout among three disparate constituencies:  traditional Democratic Party...

TLR’s mission is to bridge the growing partisan divide by inspiring discussion and, hopefully, a dollop of bipartisanship that leads to a degree of resolution.  The goal is to raise awareness and stimulate thought by highlighting challenging realities that should be, but often are not,...

The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution precludes the government from abridging Americans’ right to speak freely.  By guaranteeing a broadly protected – and uniquely American – freedom of speech, the Constitution provides an essential base upon which America’s democratic society has thrived through the...

The Supreme Court’s 1973 decision in Roe v. Wade has divided Americans for almost half a century.  Politically, it created a gulf between anti-abortion, socially-conservative Republicans Americans and pro-abortion, socially liberal Democrats Americans, a gulf that has continued to widen.  Dialogue between the two does...