“Can America continue to experience robust economic growth and expanding stock market values?” – The Lonely Realist Like many of its readers, TLR has questioned whether America’s economic growth and stock market prices can continue levitating. After all, except for the Q2 2020 COVID dive, since...

“Uncertainties abound.” – The Lonely Realist The Economy After the Presidential debate on June 27th, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were seen as the lamest of lame ducks…, and the stock markets promptly leaped with the expectation of a second Trump Administration. Donald Trump has promised additional...

“History Doesn’t Repeat Itself, but It Often Rhymes” – Mark Twain Although Mark Twain was right that history seldom repeats itself, he was also correct in saying that history often rhymes. For example, it’s easy today to see the many parallels between recent events and those...

“Regulatory whipsawing is undermining American business.” – The Lonely Realist Consistency in policy and law-making provides the optimal foundation for strong economic growth. Uncertain government policy inhibits economic planning and therefore is business’s bane. Alternating political party Presidencies over the past 32 years provide a demonstrably...