“Prices of homes, rental units, employees, healthcare, autos, food, staples, transportation, commodities, etc., are rising. Is there anything that isn't politicized in 21st Century America?” – The Lonely Realist The inflationary picture (as well as almost everything else in America’s economy) rests in the capable hands...

“Human beings who can predict tomorrow’s stock market action quickly become wealthy.  They are considered geniuses.  If they could accurately predict the weather one week out, they’d be considered clairvoyant.  Unfortunately, no person can consistently forecast the stock market even only one day out, or...

The Lonely Realist is now on Twitter here! The last time TLR talked with Cassandra about economics was in September 2020 when she correctly conveyed a short-term bearish prophesy forecast for stocks (here).  The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) from September-October promptly declined from 29,100 to...