30 May Fake it Until You Make It
“Faking it 'til you make it” is a Silicon Valley maxim. Unfortunately, “faking it” at times means committing fraud, though determining what is "fraud" is complicated ...
“Faking it 'til you make it” is a Silicon Valley maxim. Unfortunately, “faking it” at times means committing fraud, though determining what is "fraud" is complicated ...
As TLR wrote last year (here), since March 2009 investors have had no better alternative than to own equities …, which is why the acronym, TINA – There Is No Alternative –, has been applied to owning stocks over other asset classes. Although having an...
The Earth’s climate is changing …, but that’s not news. The Earth’s climate is constantly changing. The most recent changes mean a warming Earth. In what is the nearest thing to unanimity, the scientific community has concluded that the trend is up, up, up …, with...
The enactment by the Biden Administration of the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan (ARP) was a victory for labor over capitalists capital, one that many Americans believe created unintentional consequences for American businesses. Those consequences, however, were very much intended. They are an integral part...
Who Uses Cash Anymore? TLR doesn’t. Do you? Covid-19 has accelerated change the creation and evolution of paper money alternatives … or, insofar as moving towards a cashless society is concerned, Covid-19 has enhanced progress. Exchanging cash is now so … passé! So … 20th Century! And...