The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution precludes the government from abridging Americans’ right to speak freely.  By guaranteeing a broadly protected – and uniquely American – freedom of speech, the Constitution provides an essential base upon which America’s democratic society has thrived through the...

You may have read about Cassandra – the young (and, I should add, quite beautiful) priestess who the Greek god Apollo granted the power to accurately prophesize the future …, and then cursed so that her prophesies would not be believed.  TLR spoke with her...

America’s tax system was built by capitalists for capitalists, for incentivizing job creation and business innovation, for encouraging class mobility.  It’s a cornerstone of American democracy in a nation regarded as the exemplar of democratic capitalism.  It succeeded spectacularly in the 20th Century, driving America’s...

Goldman Sachs issued a stern warning on July 28, 2020: There now are “[r]eal concerns around the longevity of the US Dollar as a reserve currency,” noting that “expanded balance sheets and [America’s] vast money creation spur debasement fears.” Are those fears warranted? Is the US...