“To what extent should regulators have discretion to interpret America’s laws?” – The Lonely Realist Ronald Reagan famously said, “If you want more of something, subsidize it. If you want less, tax it.” He could have added “And if you want to further a political agenda,...

“The foundations of Conservatism continue to crumble.” – The Lonely Realist Being a Conservative in 2023 does not have the same meaning as being a Conservative in the 1980s … or even as recently as in 2015 (when the Freedom Caucus was founded). Classical American Conservativism...

“Should Big Tech be under government control? No.” – The Lonely Realist Everyone has grievances against Big Tech. Author Scott Galloway lists multiple ways in which the Biggest Techs – Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google – harm society … by destroying jobs; prioritizing profit over privacy,...

“Predictions of a ‘soft landing’ and ‘Immaculate Disinflation’ are misguided.” – The Oracle Headlines trumpeting a “soft landing” for America’s economy led TLR to renew a conversation with Apollo’s favorite, the Delphic Oracle who, during a 2022 interview with TLR, took a dim view of the Federal...