A Postscript

A number of readers have asked for emailed copies of prior TLRs that are referenced in more recent commentaries or relate to subjects in more recent commentaries.  All TLRs (which began in February 2019) are easily accessible on The Lonely Realist website (https://blog.thelonelyrealist.com/) and can be found by searching the date, title or subject.  The website was recently updated and is intended to provide ease of access and use.

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A number of readers have asked that friends or relatives be added to the TLR subscription list.  All readers are welcome and  new readership is encouraged.  The goal of TLR, after all, is to engender the broadest possible thought and discussion.  Anyone who would like to subscribe to TLR also can do so easily and directly on the TLR website.

Lastly, a number of readers have sent me comments by email.  Comments also can be made on the TLR website … and everyone is invited to do so.  As indicated above and on the website, the goal of TLR is to generate thought and discussion …, anything that might help to bridge America’s partisan divide.


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