I've received a number of comments from readers confused by the cross-outs in The Lonely Realist. I did not intend them to be a source of confusion. I add them to inspire thought - that is, the crossed-out text should be read together with the...

Change is Coming Remember when successful people who became wealthy were treated as paradigms of the American Dream? The successful entrepreneurs of the very recent past, the Bezoses, Bloombergs, Schultzes, Sandbergs, Romneys and Zuckerbergs, are today’s Fat Cats. Bernie Sanders says that "We live...

Are our Tax Laws Overly Complex? Yes. They also distort economic activity, misallocating resources and reducing productivity. They were drafted by politicians bought pressured by lobbyists wealthy contributors cronies special interests. They don’t adequately address our unsustainable deficits. The Internal Revenue Code impacts every American, whether an individual or entity,...