“A deflating crypto bubble is now hemorrhaging from Ponzi punctures.” – The Lonely Realist In July’s “Crypto Reality,” TLR noted that although crypto was devised to be a transparent, democratic, de-centralized financial technology that would overcome the burdens of traditional finance and allow investors to safely build...

“Will the 2020s be defined by recession, rising unemployment, crashing stock markets and instability?” – The Lonely Realist Cassandra believes so but, then, she’s a catastrophist. Unfortunately, she’s not alone. Nouriel Roubini – today’s “Doctor Doom” – is predicting that the world is at the very beginning...

“The Federal Reserve’s determination to reduce inflation by raising interest rates will make for an ever-stronger Dollar. A strong Dollar is good for America.” – The Lonely Realist A celebrated Wall Street maxim is that “Whatever might appear to be obvious is obviously wrong.” What seems...