“Predictions of a ‘soft landing’ and ‘Immaculate Disinflation’ are misguided.” – The Oracle Headlines trumpeting a “soft landing” for America’s economy led TLR to renew a conversation with Apollo’s favorite, the Delphic Oracle who, during a 2022 interview with TLR, took a dim view of the Federal...

“Alternate realities are thriving, fed by media disinformation.” – The Lonely Realist The late 20th Century was The Golden Age of News. Larger-than-life newscasters earned the public’s trust. They successfully policed the activities of governments, businesses, and industries. “The most trusted man in America" was Walter...

“A Soft Landing Indeed!” – Cassandra TLR recently described the reasons why America may be in the midst of a soft economic landing, acknowledging Cassandra’s February 18th prediction that America’s economy would prove more resilient than doomsayers had forecast. In response, Cassandra wrote TLR the following...

“Your choice!” – The Lonely Realist Conflict or compromise is the choice facing Americans today. Oh, that also is the choice facing China and America. “We are in a period of clamor, of bewilderment, of an almost tremulous unrest.” If this resonates as a description of today’s...