“Could a decision by the Fifth Circuit radically shrink government?” – The Lonely Realist Yes. The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans recently decided Jarkesy v. SEC, holding that the power and authority granted by Congress to the SEC is, essentially, unConstitutional. Your reaction should...

“There are three different definitions of ‘democracy’: one for those on the far right; another for those on the far left; and a third for everyone else.” – The Lonely Realist Is American-style democracy coming to an end? The answer depends on your definition of “American-style democracy.”...

“Buy the dip! Sell the rally!” – The Lonely Realist The markets are wacko! What are they going to do next? Will stocks again start climbing the proverbial stairs back up to record heights … or will they continue riding the elevator down to depressing lows?...

“Too much government means less individual autonomy and freedom.” – The Lonely Realist “Government is not the solution to our problem, government is the problem” is an oft-quoted Ronald Reaganism that states the conservative view of American government as a bureaucratic behemoth that intrudes in individuals’...