“Self-interest has made Joe Biden and Jay Powell best buds. Joe has agreed to reappoint Jay. Jay, in turn, has reassured Joe that America can (and will!) achieve low inflation and ever-higher equity prices by November 2022.” – The Lonely Realist Have you imagined the conversation...

“America is a country with cutting-edge 20th Century infrastructure, cutting-edge 20th Century business practices and cutting-edge 20th Century government policies. Unfortunately, this is the 21st Century.” –The Lonely Realist America is obsolescing. Progress requires forward movement. America instead is moving sideways …, when it moves at...

“Americans are restless and confused, searching for direction, empty and aching without quite understanding why.” – The Lonely Realist Simon & Garfunkel released the song “America” in 1968, the year in which Martin Luther King, Jr. and Robert F. Kennedy were assassinated, the year in which...

“Although the Biden Administration’s Build Back Better tax proposals would reduce income inequality, they would do so at a cost that includes increased complexity … yet again. They could be targeted far more efficiently. America deserves a tax system that indeed Builds Back Better.” –...