“What do today’s revolutions portend?” – The Lonely Realist As TLR first noted in August 2019, the world has experienced massive revolutions over the past 250 years in agriculture, industrial production, technology (including artificial intelligence) and biotechnology, all of which are continuing. They have brought unparalleled...

“America’s treasury is bankrupt.” – The Lonely Realist As Herb Stein, Chairman of the Counsel of Economic Advisers under Presidents Nixon and Ford, famously said, “If something cannot go on forever, it will stop” – Stein’s Law. America’s combination of excessive spending, too-low taxes and multi-trillion-dollar...

“A deflating crypto bubble is now hemorrhaging from Ponzi punctures.” – The Lonely Realist In July’s “Crypto Reality,” TLR noted that although crypto was devised to be a transparent, democratic, de-centralized financial technology that would overcome the burdens of traditional finance and allow investors to safely build...

“Buckle your seat belt. Change has come to American government.” – The Lonely Realist With Presidential power subject to increasing legislative and judicial constraints and with a post-midterm Congress certain to be deadlocked, a newly-empowered Supreme Court is increasingly holding the reins of government power. Its...