“Do difficult cases make bad law or do difficult laws make for bad cases?” – The Lonely Realist What’s your definition of free speech? Do you subscribe to John Milton’s 1644 version advocating no limits. His only caveat was that both the author and publisher be named...

“Perplexed’s ‘unprecedented challenges’ actually are ‘unprecedented opportunities.’” – The Lonely Realist Last week’s letter from Perplexed presents a stark assessment of the "unprecedented challenges" facing humanity. TLR also sees "unprecedented opportunities." The most significant “unprecedented challenge” in Perplexed's letter is the Doomsday Clock, which purports to measure...

“Don’t judge today’s political parties by their historical names.”  TLR recently received the following missive: Dear TLR: I’m a Reagan Republican, a dyed-in-the-wool conservative who’s proud of the Republican Party’s accomplishments over the last 175 years. Like Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Bill Buckley and Ronald Reagan, I believe...

“Corruption starts at the top.” – The Lonely Realist Washington, D.C. was built on a swamp…, which is not the reason why its denizens are called “swamp-dwellers.” Washington owes that epithet to its elected legislators, the corrupt unethical dishonest members of Congress who are “in the...

“Can America continue to experience robust economic growth and expanding stock market values?” – The Lonely Realist Like many of its readers, TLR has questioned whether America’s economic growth and stock market prices can continue levitating. After all, except for the Q2 2020 COVID dive, since...