The 13 American Colonies determined more than 230 years ago the kind of democracy they wanted for themselves and their children.  Their Democratic Experiment worked for more than two centuries.  It’s not working now.  Today’s American leaders – and America’s voters – are facing the...

What’s wrong with 21st Century America? In a single word, leadership … or, more precisely, the lack of it. America has lacked effective, constructive leadership for almost 30 years.  That’s an entire generation!  America’s Presidents, the successive standard-bearers of the Republican and Democratic Parties – Bill Clinton,...

Americans have awakened.  They’ve become “woke,” a term deriving its meaning from African American slang.  “Woke” came into the English language more than a decade ago when “stay woke” referred to the need for awareness about racial injustice issues.  The Woke Movement has since expanded...